Small Animal First Aid Kit Checklist
Below is an updated list of recommended items to include in a first aid kit for your pets.
- Activated charcoal (liquid)
- Anti-diarrheal liquid or tablets
- Antibiotic ointment (for wounds)
- Antibiotic eye ointment
- Antihistamine for itching or sedative
- Bandage scissors
- Bandage tape
- Betadine® (povidone-iodine) or Nolvasan® (chlorhexidine), scrub and solution
- Bubble wrap (for splinting)
- Cold packs, hot packs or hot water bottle
- Cotton balls
- Cotton bandage rolls
- Cotton-tipped swabs
- Duct Tape or other heavy tape (for immobilization)
- Elastic bandage rolls
- Electric clippers
- Eye rinse (sterile)
- Flea and tick prevention and treatment
- Gauze pads and rolls
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Ice cream sticks (which may be used as splints)
- Info card with your veterinary emergency clinic phone number and the local or national poison-control number (800-222-1222)
- Info card indicating your pet’s base-line temperature and weight
- Isopropyl alcohol/alcohol prep pads
- Karo Syrup or honey (for shock)
- Latex gloves or non-allergenic gloves
- Liquid dish detergent (mild wound and body cleanser)
- Measuring spoons
- Medications and preventatives (such as heartworm prevention), minimum 2-week supply, with clearly labeled instructions. Provide veterinary and pharmacy contact information for refills.
- Muzzle(s)
- Needle-nose pliers
- Non-adherent bandage pads
- Plastic Wrap (to seal wounds)
- Saline solution (for rinsing wounds)
- Sterile lubricant (water based)
- Styptic powder (clotting agent)
- Syringe or eyedropper
- Syrup of Ipecac (to induce vomiting)
- Thermometer (digital)
- Tourniquet
- Towel and washcloth
- Tweezers
For more detailed information, visit the AVMA website.